30 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

Cancer - Did you know facts-3

1 - Over 20,000 people die of Cancer every day.
2 - Cancer causes more deaths than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined.
3 - There are more than 100 types of cancers; any part of the body can be affected.
4 - 50% is the lifetime risk of developing Cancer for a man in the U.S.
5 - There are 28 million cancer survivors worldwide.
6 - Exercise, like walking, can reduce breast cancer risk by 25%.
7 - A single cigarette contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.
8 - Multivitamins increase the risk of cancer and heart disease, according to recent studies.

29 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe

Toilet - Did you know facts-2

1 - The average person spends 3 months of its lifetime sitting on the toilet.
2 - Computer Keyboards can carry more than 200 times as many bacteria as a toilet seat.
3 - 1 billion people still defecate in the open, in the absence of a toilet.
4 - There's a toilet-themed restaurant in Taiwan, where food is served on miniature toilets.
5 - Americans spend 5 cents per day by flushing their toilets.
6 - More People In The World Have Mobile Phones Than Toilets.
7 - The average toilet uses 6 litres (1.6 gal) of clean water in a single flush.
8 - Mobile phones have 18 times more bacteria than toilet handles.
9 - The inhabitants of ancient Rome had a sewer goddess, a toilet god, and a god of excrement.

Women - Did you know facts-1

1 - on average, women blink nearly twice as much as men.
2 - on average, women get hiccups less than men.
3 - The average woman is nearly a full 5 inches shorter than an average sized men.
4 - on average, women's hearts beat slower then mens.
5 - The origin of the word "woman" is thought to be wfyman, a term from Middle English which means wife of man.
6 - Human women's breasts are bigger from a proportional point of view than the other female mammals.
7 - International Women's Day is recognized on March 8th each year. Some countries recognize it as an official holiday.
8 - For the first time in the history of the Olympics, the 2012 U.S Olympic team had more women than men. 269 women and 261 men.
9 - Women speak about 20,000 words a day. That's 13,000 more than the average man.
10 - The average amount of time a woman can keep a secret is 47 hours and 15 minutes.